Navigation: Documentation / Files / File Formats / Files::PTS

A PTS file format defines geometry and associated properties. The PTS file is an extended xyz file. All coordinates are in Å. Extensions are attached as named sections after coordinate specification. It is possible to put several points into a single file and to form a stream of points. In this case, all sections must be supported by ffdevel.

Section Description
ENERGY Energy in kcal/mol is provided on the next line.
GRADIENT Gradient is provided in kcal/mol/Å in three columns starting from the next line.
HESSIAN Hessian is provided in kcal/mol/Å^2 as the full square matrix.
WEIGHT weight of the point
CVS definition of collective variables for geometry restraining. The next line contains number of CVs. Description of each CV then follows.
ESP definition of electrostatic potential. The next line contains number of ESP points, followed by ESP points. Each ESP point has x, y, and z coordinate in Å and value of ESP (not yet determined).


extracted from gaussian
 6       0.13230016       0.00000077      -1.95468488
 1       0.76809047       0.88672039      -2.09551250
 1      -0.62227433       0.00000027      -2.75333837
 1       0.76809127      -0.88671834      -2.09551220
 6      -0.51108991       0.00000067      -0.56887531
 1      -1.16736722      -0.88018194      -0.46376311
 1      -1.16736732       0.88018319      -0.46376304
 6       0.51109004       0.00000067       0.56887531
 1       1.16736736      -0.88018195       0.46376311
 1       1.16736747       0.88018319       0.46376303
 6      -0.13230001       0.00000077       1.95468489
 1      -0.76809113      -0.88671834       2.09551220
 1       0.62227447       0.00000027       2.75333837
 1      -0.76809032       0.88672039       2.09551250
      0.11579154       0.00000710      -0.16491661
     -0.03290464      -0.03371546       0.03452853
      0.00516174      -0.00000388       0.07031637
     -0.03290310       0.03371450       0.03453062
     -0.20334654       0.00000002       0.17824297
      0.03625131       0.05934802      -0.03143532
      0.03625573      -0.05935031      -0.03143510
      0.20334573       0.00000003      -0.17824440
     -0.03625143       0.05934780       0.03143565
     -0.03625584      -0.05935008       0.03143544
     -0.11578914       0.00000710       0.16491851
      0.03290314       0.03371407      -0.03453083
     -0.00516318      -0.00000389      -0.07031707
      0.03290468      -0.03371502      -0.03452875
1 D   169.9998  5  8 11 13