Navigation: Documentation / Files / Control files / {TARGETS}

The {TARGETS} group is employed by the ffoptimize program for definition of training data. The group can obtain one [setup] section and several [set] sections. The [setup] section is processed first and it alters default values for keys in the [set] sections with the same name.


Key Default value Type Description
optgeo off logical optimize geometry at each optimization step
keepoptgeo off logical keep optimized geometries for the next optimization step
nofreqs off logical do not calculate TRG vibrational frequencies when a point contains TRG Hessian
savegeo off logical save geometries of all points at the end of each {FFOPT} group
savepath "points" string path name for saved points
optprogress off logical show geometry optimization progress at each FF optimization step
comb_rules off logical apply vdw combining rules at each FF optimization step


Key Default value Type Description
name string name of the set. The name is mandatory for reference sets otherwise it is optional.
Topology and FF parameters
topology* string input topology in the STOP format
final_topology string optimized FF parameters will be saved as topology in the STOP format
Probe mode
probesize 0 integer number of atoms in a vdW probe. The probe must be at the end of the structure.
unique_probe_types off logical
Reference setup
isreference off logical set the set as a reference. In the reference mode, the set can contain only one point.
references list names of sets, which are references for this set. This option is mutually exclusive with isreference' and 'shift2zero'.
shift2zero off logical make TRG energies relative to the global minima. This option is mutually exclusive with isreference' and 'reference'.
optgeo off logical optimize geometry at each optimization step
keepoptgeo off logical keep optimized geometries for the next optimization step
savegeo off logical save geometries of all points at the end of each {FFOPT} group
wmode "auto" string weight mode. Supported modes: auto and ire2
point string file name of point optionally followed by its weight. Multiple number of 'point specifications can be provided.
points string file name of stream with points optionally followed by its weight. Multiple number of 'points' specifications can be provided.