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Navigation: Documentation / Files / Control files / {FFPARAMS}

The {FFPARAMS} group is employed by the ffoptimize program for input/output specification of FF parameters and their alternation prior FF optimization. The following sections are defined:


Key Default value Type Description
input string name of file with input FF parameters. This files is usually created by other ffoptimize run.
final 'final.prms' string name of file for optimized FF parameters. This file can serve for subsequent FF optimization, which must employ exactly the same order of FF parameters.
amber 'final.frcmod' logical name of file for optimized FF parameters in AMBER format


Key Default value Type Description
nb_params 'normal' string determine how vdw parameters are handled for assembly of NB type pairs. Supported modes are:
normal - standard mode (all reasonable interactions)
like-only - only like atoms
like-all - all like atoms including a probe
all - all interactions
The assembly of FF parameters related to NB interactions is also altered by normal/probe mode of individual sets (see probesize in {TARGETS}/[SET]).
nb_realms 'er' string determine which realms for NB interactions are considered. Supported values are:
all - all realms
era - only ERA realms
er - only ER realms
lj2exp6_alpha 12.0 real default value of alpha for conversion from ER->ERA
dih_only_defined off logical consider only defined items in dihedral series


Key Default value Type Description
max_n 4 integer maximum length of cos series
min_v 0.1 real minimum amplitude of cos item