Navigation: Documentation / Files / Control files / {FFERROR}

The {FFERROR} group is employed by the ffoptimize program for definition of objective function, which is optimized. The objective function is defined as weighted sum of error functions, which can be as follows:

Error Description
energy minimize difference between MM and TRG energies
bonds minimize difference between bond lengths in MM and TRG structures
angles minimize difference between angle values in MM and TRG structures
dihedrals minimize difference between dihedral values in MM and TRG structures
impropers minimize difference between improper values in MM and TRG structures
nbdists minimize difference between NB distances between MM and TRG structures. Only NB distances between components of supra-molecular complex are considered.
rmsd minimize root-mean-square deviation between MM and TRG structures. MM structure is superimposed onto TRG structure.
freqs minimize difference vibrational frequencies between MM and TRG structures. TRG structure must contain Hessian calculated for TRG optimized structure.
